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The 'Flat File'
Shared by Siemon Allen Date shared 30 May 2023 Projects Source Conversation

"For the past 25 years I've been working on a series of collection projects, whether it be records, stamps, newspapers, all dealing with this project of visualising South Africa. But, in a strange way, I trace those projects back to the Flat Gallery project – an informal exhibition space in Durban run by Ledelle Moe, Niel Jonker, Thomas Barry and myself. Documenting that experience was probably the first collection project as such, but I didn't think of it as a collection project when I was collecting the information. We had this thing called the 'Flat File', and every time something happened, if there was stuff left over, it went into that file."
– Siemon Allen

As part of her ongoing project Social, curator Khanya Mashabela collects oral histories of artist-led project spaces in South Africa to complement a growing archive of associated printed matter, photographs, and digital assets collated through an open call to local arts practitioners.
