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George Mahashe
Residency 25 June–4 September 2016
Process photograph from George Mahashe’s residency on A4’s top floor. Three freestanding blank surfaces are arranged around the space so as to catch refracted light from A4’s exterior through Mahashe’s pinhole cameras.
Process: George Mahashe’s residency, June 25, 2016–September 4, 2016. Image courtesy of A4 Arts Foundation.
Title George Mahashe Dates 25 June–4 September 2016 Location Top Floor Tagline Artist in residence George Mahashe. Credits

francis burger

Associated institutions:
Archive and Public Culture Research Initiative (APC)
Centre for Curating the Archive (CCA)

Extending his Camera Obscura project – and contributing to A4's ongoing research on and around Buitenkant Street – George Mahashe renders 23 Buitenkant in a series of pinhole-camera projections.

Process: George Mahashe’s residency, June 25, 2016–September 4, 2016. Image courtesy of A4 Arts Foundation.