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Der Galgengruss
Poster: John Heartfield, Der Galgengruss (September 28, 1933). Photomontage. Originally published in Arbeiter llustrierte Zeitung, Jg. 12, No. 38. 38.2 x 26.8 cm. Courtesy of Akademie der Kϋnste, Berlin, Kunstsammlung.
Title Der Galgengruss Date September 28, 1933 Type Printed poster/flyer
Designers John Heartfield
Dimensions 38.2 x 26.8 cm Volume In 'Arbeiter llustrierte Zeitung', Jg. 12, No. 38

b.1891, Berlin; d.1968, East Berlin

This special collections item was loaned to the exhibition Dada South? Experimentation, Radicalism and Resistance curated by Kathryn Smith and Roger van Wyk, Iziko South Africa National Gallery, December 12, 2009–February 28, 2010. It is indexed here as part of Smith and Van Wyk’s revisiting of the Dada South? Archive of materials at A4 Arts Foundation.

Courtesy of Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Kunstammlung.
